The Medicinal Uses Of Lemon

Lemon has numerous medicinal benefits:

1> Lemon contains 'c' vitamin.It increases digestion. It reduces thirst. It reduces Piles. It reduces fatigue.

2> Malaria will be cured if one teaspoonful of lemon juice and one tea spoonful juice of white onion taken three times a day.

3> Piles and amoebiosis will be cured and bleeding will stop.

4> In digestions will be cured if lemon juice with baking powder is taken in water.

5> If lemon juice is taken with honey,chest pain,headache and indigestion will be reduced.

6> In winter season skin cracks will be cured if lemon juice with milk is rubbed to the skin.

How to reduce tension easily?

Here are some excellent ways to reduce tension very easily:

  • Go for a brisk walk, or do whatever exercise you enjoy the most.
  • Take a relaxing bath or a hot shower - water rejuvenates the body and mind.
  • Get a massage done - atleast once a week or two.
  • Burn some lavender oil at your home.
  • Do yoga - it creates wonders.
  • Call a friend who you know will be happy & uplifting.
  • Take a nap.
  • Listen to soothing music.
  • Drink soothing tea and gaze around.

The Medicinal uses of Ragi :: Health Tips

Ragi is a very healthy food. Raw ragi grains containing milk should be roasted. This cures heart diseases,liver troubles,diabetes,obstruction and weakness of nerves.

  • If ragi balls are taken,it cures constipation,diabetes,heavy weight in body and passing of urine many times.
  • Ragi liquid keeps the body cool,ragi malt may be given to grwoing children and aged people.
  • Keep ragi in water at night and the next day morning grind it well, filter it. Boil this liquid with the powder of cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. This liquid is very good for health.
  • Take a mixture of ragi and turmeric powder and keep it on fire. If this smoke is inhaled, cold will be cured.
  • If the mixture of fried ragi powder , tamarind water taken early in the morning the bile is cured.
  • The mixture of fried ragi powder and lemon juice cures, indigestion,vomiting, watering of mouth and heart burning.
  • Ragi makes teeth and gums strong, bad smell of  mouth will be vanished.